Parenting Done Right : Spending Quality TIME

       Since childhood me and my brother have always experienced healthy bondings with our family. I still can remember those Sunday morning chitchats, diwali preparations, durga puja celebrations, having dinner, watching cricket on TV, reading story books at bed time together, outing with family. Those are the moments to be cherished forever. Me and my brother are fortunate enough to have the attachment of Grandparents which are too valuable for future life. Here I'm sharing some impacts of spending quality time with your children and how these can be done. 

Self confidence- When children spend time with their parents, they feel valued, positive and confident about themselves. You don't need to be fancy or expensive for this. Just make sure to spend quality time with them.
▪️Play indoor or outdoor games together. ▪️Do gardening. 
▪️Read story books together at bedtime. 
▪️Go for morning walk or evening walk.
▪️Show interests in their hobbies. 
▪️Surprise them by leaving a positive note in their school bags.
▪️Be silly and childish with them, sing with them, dance with them, laugh with them.
▪️Do all these regularly and ofcourse without any distractions. 

Good behaviour & better problem solving skill- Non-judgmental (sometimes judgemental ofcourse ๐Ÿ˜…) and friendly parents may bring the ultimate blessings for children. If they know that they can talk to you about their problems, they are less likely to get involved in risky or violent behaviours. They will learn to cope up with odds in life. 
▪️Have healthy and open conversations so that they feel comfortable about sharing their own problems. 
▪️Share your problems with them and ask for opinions too.

Better health condition- Children who frequently eat meals with their families also usually have improved dietary intake.
▪️Try to prepare meals and take those with your children whenever possible. 

Good academics- If you, as a parent, provide guidance for your child’s academic school years, that will lead to the definite success in future. They will understand the importance of learning. They will enjoy your attention for doing well and will continue to do so.
▪️Encourage your child to do well. 
▪️Appreciate & acknowledge little effort.
▪️Ask about their day in school and what they learned. 

Strong family bondings- Families who spend quality time together, share stronger emotional bondings. Children learn to share and care. When everything is positive, chances are there that they will grow to their potential and can achieve success in life. All these may bring ultimate happiness in family.

Good personality- All these will definitely have an everlasting impact because children learn from examples. If you spend quality time with them, they are more likely to adopt those behaviours in other relationships, in their own parenting and most importantly in your old age too.❤❤

Happy parenting ๐Ÿ’•

Disclaimer- I am not any professional. I'm just sharing my personal views based on my experience. This may or may not match with yours. I own all the pictures and footage of this blog. Kindly do not reproduce without prior permission. 

©️Prama Sarkar, 2020.


  1. Pl share these suggestions so as 2 enable the parents 2 guide the children in positive manner


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